By Diane Colley-Urquhart on October 2016
On September 17th, 2016 the City held our third annual Working Dogs Day in conjunction with The City's Off-Leash Ambassador program. This public event was held at the Bowmont Off-Leash Park and gave Calgarians an opportunity to watch and meet working dogs and their handlers firsthand. As a long time dog owner, this was a great event for passionate dog owners and dog lovers alike to set a new record of 1,500 people. There were 20 working dog organizations and 12 community partners. Working Dogs Day is a big part of the Off-Leash Ambassador Program and showcases the many ways[...]
Read MoreBy Diane Colley-Urquhart on October 2016
I am pleased to announce that the Government of Alberta, City of Calgary and City of Edmonton have been working collaboratively since 2014 to develop City Charters, which are special legislative agreements that will redefine the Province’s governing relationship with our two biggest cities – Calgary & Edmonton. Charters will provide city councils and citizens with more authority over local decisions so we can build local solutions to the challenges and opportunities we face now and in the future. Calgary’s and Edmonton’s City Charters will be developed through regulation under the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the MGA will continue[...]
Read MoreBy Diane Colley-Urquhart on October 2016
On September 7th, 2016, Mainstreet Research surveyed a random sample of 823 Calgary residents on Policing in Calgary, using a mixture of landlines and cell phones. The margin of error: +/- 3.41%, 19 times out of 20. Their results were weighted by age and gender based on the 2011 Canada Census. They are a national public research firm. This survey shows that the community thinks the police need more training and they should have body cams. Based on the high profile media events from the Heffernan case and during the Calgary Stampede for example, I would have to say that[...]
Read MoreBy Diane Colley-Urquhart on September 2016
As Chair of the SPC of the Community & Protective Services Committee, I would like to provide you with a recap of the meeting which took place on September 7, 2016: Options for Sliding Scale Implementation The Committee approved this report for information. Administration concluded that a potential funding shortfall in 2017 for the sliding fare schedule for Transit’s Low Income Monthly Pass would not require additional funding at this early stage. Given the unknowns around the program, uptake at the various levels of subsidy, and the lack of existing comparable data, Administration will monitor the program demand, review data as[...]
Read MoreBy Diane Colley-Urquhart on September 2016
With Council soon to be in session following the summer break, many of the issues brought forth to Council leading up to summer was the tax debate. For weeks prior to the Strategic Meeting of Council on June 27th I asked what it would look like if property taxes were not raised to the proposed 4.7 percent (through ActionPlan), and instead, somewhere between zero and 3.2 percent. On June 11th I held my Mobile Town Hall to help me get a better understanding of the needs of my constituents. The event gave me a forum to hear your concerns and[...]
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